Family:Francis Marion and Sarah Cassie Johnson: Difference between revisions

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Children: Added birthdate.
Line 5: Line 5:
|[[William Ivey Johnson]]|23 August 1886|
|[[William Ivey Johnson]]|23 August 1886|
|[[Winnie Johnson]]|Abt. 1890|
|[[Winnie Johnson]]|May? 1890|
|[[Pauline Johnson]]|Abt. 1902|
|[[Pauline Johnson]]|Abt. 1902|

Latest revision as of 05:50, 22 April 2013

Francis Marion Johnson - b. 10 May 1851 - d. 15 Jul 1935
Sarah Cassie Ivey - b. 25 Sep 1863 - d. 7 Jan 1946


Name Birthdate
William Ivey Johnson 23 August 1886
Winnie Johnson May? 1890
Pauline Johnson Abt. 1902
