Source:Lowe vs Lowe deposition filed 6 Mar 1869

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From EE Barton papers microfilm #219 Samuel Lowe File


File: Lowe, Samuel Heirs
ZN Lowe et al
Vs} P Cir Ct PKG 231
Jno Lowe et al

Depositions Oct 8, 1869

J.D. Justice I knew Mary Lowe for 25 years. Deft John Lowe + his sisters Sallie + Letha lived with their mother the last 10 yrs. I think it was in 1857 that Z.N. Lowe moved away + left his mother. I lived there on the farm from time I was 10 yrs old, off + on thill I was 25; when I did not live there I was living in the neighborhood; sometimes lived with Newt Lowe (ZN?) himself. "Cherokee" the old mare died in 1865. About 25 or 30 acres have been cleared on the farm since ZN. Lowe left it worth $15 per acre to clear the land + put under fence.
Sally + Lethe worked all the time, worked up the wool, wove, spun, cooked, washed + done all the house work – ever since I knew the family; and I have worked in the corn field with them. ZN Lowe took with him, 2 horses, a cow, + some sheep, when he left. Jim Lowe left home before I went on the place; the old lady (Mary) + her husband, died on the farm. I think Sallie and Letha worked harder than any girls I ever saw – also sheared sheep; + done anything that came up. AT the time I first knowed them, all the children were at home except John- non were married at that time- don’t know if Sallie was married before or after –

(Signed) J.D. Justice

W. C. Wilson I was Assessor of Pend. Co 4 years. In 1863 + 64 Mary Lowe gave in 130 A land, 1 horse $50 or $60; 1 cow. In 1864(?) 1 horse + I think 2 cattle – by referring to the book – she did not give in any cattle.

J.G. Calerman, I was Assessor. 1855-1860

Wm Lowe (Sept 27, 69 at Fal) I knew Mary Lowe 15 or 16 yrs. I lived 1/2 mile of her. She died last Spring a year ago; I lived 3/4 mi. of her then. Mr. John Lowe + John Callen live on the place now. Sheep worth $1.25 a head now-or when Mary died. I am a little kin to Newt Lowe-he and I married sisters. I lived 1/2 mi of Mary Lowe. Z N Lowe + I both lived with Mary Lowe – till Z N married and went away. I remained there until the fall – 12 or 13 years ago. Mary Lowe was a widow then. I suppose the children were all over 21 yrs old when Z.N. left. The bay mare was called "Old Cherokee". Letha + John Callen did not live on same farm with Mary, when she died. John + Sallie lived on the farm until Mary died. John was single + lived in the house withhis mother.

WH X Lowe

Jeremiah Wells, II expect I knew Mary Lowe 30 years. I lived 1/2 mil of her; have lived where I now reside, for 22 years. She was living on the old homestead of Samuel Lowe, when she died. She ws living there when I first knew her – 30 years ago. When she died Jno W Lowe and Sallie Daugherty were living with her. They were both single then; when their mother died. My impression is that Mary Lowe was 70 odd years old when she died. Sally Daugherty was near 40 years of age, or upwards, when her mother died.
Q.How much family had Mary Lowe at the time John moved to her house – of whom did it consist.
A.Herself, 2 girls and 1 or 2 boys. Letha Lowe, Sallie Daugherty. I’m not certain whether was 2 boys or not. Sam Coleman Lowe + Albert Gebsib was tgere – abd a grandaugher of the old lady. Mrs. Lowe, her granddaughter + Sam C Lowe. I think were not able to do much. These children must have been upwords of 5 yrs old. Think Sam C. Lowe remained there (at home) until about 1862. The girl not so long. Think Same C. Lowe was 17 or 18 yrs old when he left. My impression is that the granddaughter married after John moved there......

A J Shively (Sept 28, 69) I have known Mary Lowe since I have known anybody. I lived 3/4 mil of her when she died. I am not related to either party. I was at the house one time to get Mary to fix me up something for sore eyes. I was there in harvest, in 186. I came to the harvest field, and John asked me to dinner – that his mother wanted to see me. Letha Callen minded the flied off of the table when we was eating dinner.

A J Shiveley

Albert Hanson I have known Mary Lowe since I was a small boy; I am 60 yrs old the 10th day of last August. I lived at her house when she died. She moved –they moved up off of the Licking at an early day and lived there till she died. She was a widow of 20 years or longer. John never married (up to that time?) John is still living there, + his bro-in-law + sister. Letha did spinning, weaving, knitting and making home made garments + Sallie also....

Albert X Hanson

G. B. Dance (Sept 28, 69) Bought stock on the farm, in May 1868.

H.H. Hand I was on the farm Sept 1, 1868 with Esquire Bovar Esqr F.M. Lowe and Jeremiah Wells to make appraisement of Mary Lowe’s Est.

HHHand Jr.

Josephine Luckett (Sept 29, 69) I have known Mary Lowe ever since I can recollect anything. When I worked thre the old lady paid me; + often I was paid in Bacon. I have helped plan corn…

Josephine X Luckett

Miss Margaret Luckett I have known Mary Lowe since I was big enough to know anything. They had loom, spinning wheels + spools; had some flax; they had flannel, Jeans cloth, + yarn. Letha and Sally made the flannel + jeans cloth. The girls made the soap. Newton Lowe lived with his mother up to the time John went there.

Margaret X Luckett

H. H. Highfill. I am 37 yrs old an 18th day of last August, have known the farm as long as I can recollect. Mary Lowe lived there since I can recollect. Z N Lowe, called Newton, lived with Mary Lowe before John went there. Newton is older than I am – he lived with his father and mother. I suppose Newton was 30 yrs old when he left there....

H. Highfill

Depositions taken Oct 14, 1869 at the house of J.W. Hume, dec’d in town of Callensville

Nany E. Amerman I have known Mary Lowe since I was a child. I first lived about 2 mi and now 1/2 mi from her. She had-or there was at her house when she died, one clock. Bureau; 7 beds on dozen chars cooking utentials consisting skillets, ovens, pots tea kettles etc, one loom four spinning wheels some poultry chickens gees Turkey + Ducks + some cloth-don’t know how much. She has lived thare ever since I can remember some 12 years I remember. It has been some over a year since Mary Lowe died. I no of part of the stock went in her name –the stock was left thare after her death I visited there often. The old cherockee mare went in her name, the balance went in Johns and Sallys name. Two cows went in the old ladys name. Some in Sallys some in Johns and some in Albert Hansons name.
John + Sally was single Leathy was married but did not live thare until sinse her mothers death. Sally was 35 or 36 years old at her mother’s death. Lethe was older than Sally. John Lowe was older than Lethe. I have seen the old lady spinning knitting and sowing and Setting the table.

N.E. Ammerman

Mrs. Elizabeth Luckett I knew Mary Lowe 48 or 50 years, I lived about 1 1/2 mi from her. I done a good deal of work for her. She lived at same place when her husband died. She was a widow about 22 years. 5 or 6 years ago I helped shear the sheep. I saw Mary Lowe when she died. Sometimes Sally + Lethe made Jeans, Linsey + Flannel for sale. I washed for them when John Lowe moved there. Samuel + Elizabeth Lowe were living there. Samuel C. Lowe was 11 or 12 yrs old large enough to go to mill, and the other one was married in 2 or 3 years afterword.

Edward Donohoe (Oct 14, 69 at house of Francis Hume, Callensville)
I knew the Lowe family about 12 years; live 1 1/2 miles from the. I rented land from them 2 or 3 years – it was before the war- probably 8 years ago. Part of the land was cleared before I knew the place; part was cleared by John Lowe. John cleared 30 or 4 acres.

B.F. Fugate mch 8, 1870 I have known Jno W. Lowe all my life. Think he moved to house of his mother in bet. 1855-60 –he had been with Horace Fugate, he had a tan yard rented or leased; he was considered in debt – for hides to be tanned.

C Tomlin I have known Jno W. Lowe more or less all my life. I lived within 1 1/4 mi. of the farm since 1851, except 2 years I was in the Army. John Lowe moved from Callensville to the farm in 1854 or 1855. Mary Lowe died in the winter of 1868. When John Lowe moved to the farm he had 1 horse-that is all the living property I know of; he had an interest in some hides at the Tan Yard. I went to the Army Sept 5, 1862 + was paroled May 2, 1865. When Jno Lowe first left the farm he was 16 or 17 yrs old. He went to Callensville at Mr. Fugates to learn the Tanners trade; and remained there until he went to his mothers to live.

C. Tomlin