Harold Edward Fogerlund

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Revision as of 16:46, 23 September 2018 by Seanmcox (talk | contribs) (Sources: Added notes.)
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  John Edward Fogerlund (family)
Harold Edward Fogerlund  
  Guili Lunning
Spouse 1
Unknown (Divorced)
Spouse 2
Dorothy Langdon Ivey (family)
20 Dec 1937
5311 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Los Angeles Co., California


16 Jun 1904
Providence, Rhode Island
15 Apr 1986
Los Angeles, California


Has been described as creepy. Behavior described that suggest he had trouble empathizing with others or building social connections. Anecdotes describe tickling taken too far (ie. too long) and mean-spirited teasing. Nothing worse has been directly related.
